Keeping your earnings in sync with increases in prices is becoming progressively difficult. Most individuals – whether employed or self-employed – would find it unrealistic to secure pay rises (if employed) or price increases (if in business) unless the demand for their goods or services was high.
If most taxpayers cannot match price increases by keeping earnings in sync with these increases, then their purchasing power will gradually reduce.
This autumn, cost pressures are likely to continue, particularly utility costs. This will force many of us to re-examine our budgets and try to figure out how to balance our books without meeting excess expenditure by maxing-out credit cards or entering into expensive loans.
One solution may be to investigate creating additional income streams. For example:
- Turn a hobby into a part-time business.
- Rent out your driveway as a day-time parking area.
- Rent a spare room in your house.
There are tax concessions that may make these activities tax-free. See “
£2,000 tax-free income” and “Rent-a-room” to find out more.
You could also search for ideas and assistance online. HM Government Money and Pensions Service has launched a Money Helper website at
To find out how you can save on paying income tax on additional income,
contact us to see how we can help you with your tax planning options.