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The UK has funeral debt close to £150m

The total amount borrowed by people living in the UK to pay for funerals, has hit close to £147 million, as it is revealed almost 95,000 have been slapped with a huge and unexpected funeral bill, with no other choice but to simply borrow, in order to be able to afford it. It is a startling number that demonstrates how unbelievably out of hand the cost of funerals has become. 

The UK has funeral debt close to £150m

The total amount borrowed by people living in the UK to pay for funerals, has hit close to £147 million, as it is revealed almost 95,000 have been slapped with a huge and unexpected funeral bill, with no other choice but to simply borrow, in order to be able to afford it. It is a startling number that demonstrates how unbelievably out of hand the cost of funerals has become.