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How do I make a claim on an unclaimed estate?

There are special intestacy rules that govern how assets are divided if you die without making a will. If this happens your assets are passed on to family members in accordance with a set legal formula. This can result in a distribution of assets that would not be in keeping with your final wishes and can be especially problematic for cohabitees (a couple who live together but are not married and have not entered into a civil partnership).

Chancellor calls for a simplification on Inheritance Tax

The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) has already highlighted inheritance tax (IHT) as an area ripe for an overhaul and now the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, has asked the body to conduct a system-wide review of the current tax regime, and wants to see proposals for simplification, ‘to ensure that the system is fit for purpose and makes the experience of those who interact with it as smooth as possible’.

Chancellor calls for a simplification on Inheritance Tax

The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) has already highlighted inheritance tax (IHT) as an area ripe for an overhaul and now the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, has asked the body to conduct a system-wide review of the current tax regime, and wants to see proposals for simplification, ‘to ensure that the system is fit for purpose and makes the experience of those who interact with it as smooth as possible’.

Spending the kids inheritance......

When considering any type of tax planning and in particular Inheritance planning it is important to ensure that you do not give too much away too quickly. You have worked hard to accumulate your savings and assets. When looking at gifts, ensuring that you have enough funds to maintain your lifestyle is the number one priority.

Spending the kids inheritance......

When considering any type of tax planning and in particular Inheritance planning it is important to ensure that you do not give too much away too quickly. You have worked hard to accumulate your savings and assets. When looking at gifts, ensuring that you have enough funds to maintain your lifestyle is the number one priority.

Where there's a will there's a way.....

If you have not made a will your estate may not go to the beneficiaries that you intend it to.

In October 2014 the Intestacy laws changed, reformed to suit the Modern Family. The changes improve the position for surviving spouses but may lead to more claims by Adult children under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.

Where there's a will there's a way.....

If you have not made a will your estate may not go to the beneficiaries that you intend it to.

In October 2014 the Intestacy laws changed, reformed to suit the Modern Family. The changes improve the position for surviving spouses but may lead to more claims by Adult children under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.