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Can’t pay your tax?

A reminder that HMRC may consider extended options for settling your outstanding tax bill. The key is to contact HMRC, explain why you can’t pay on time, and discuss how you can settle any outstanding liabilities.

Can’t pay your tax?

A reminder that HMRC may consider extended options for settling your outstanding tax bill. The key is to contact HMRC, explain why you can’t pay on time, and discuss how you can settle any outstanding liabilities.

Second finance bill this Autumn

It has been announced that the second Finance Bill will legislate for all policies that were included in the pre-election Finance Bill but had to be dropped in order to rush through the Finance Act 2017 before the snap general election in June.

Second finance bill this Autumn

It has been announced that the second Finance Bill will legislate for all policies that were included in the pre-election Finance Bill but had to be dropped in order to rush through the Finance Act 2017 before the snap general election in June.

Trading and property allowances

From 6 April 2017 (subject to the passage of the Autumn Finance Bill, when Parliament returns after the summer break), individuals will be able to claim up to £1,000 a year in tax-free allowances for property or trading income.  If you have both types of income, you may claim a £1,000 allowance for each.


Trading and property allowances

From 6 April 2017 (subject to the passage of the Autumn Finance Bill, when Parliament returns after the summer break), individuals will be able to claim up to £1,000 a year in tax-free allowances for property or trading income.  If you have both types of income, you may claim a £1,000 allowance for each.