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How does the EMI scheme work? | Enterprise Management Incentives scheme

The use of enterprise management incentives scheme (EMIs) can help small growing companies to attract and retain employees. The enterprise management incentives scheme allows employees to buy shares free of income tax and NICs based on the difference between the amount paid for shares when an option is used and the actual value (provided the shares are purchased for at least the market value they had when the option was granted).

Community Investment Tax Relief Scheme | What is the HMRC community investment tax relief?

What is the Community Investment Tax Relief Scheme?
The Community Investment Tax Relief (CITR) scheme encourages investment in accredited intermediary organisations, called Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs). The tax relief under the system is available to both individuals and companies.

CDFIs may take a range of forms, including:
• Community loan funds, which make capital available to community regeneration initiatives and businesses;
• Micro-finance funds, which make small loans, usually at near-market rates of interest, to the smallest businesses, e.g., sole traders and
• Social banks - profit-seeking financial service providers or subsidiaries dedicated to social or environmental objectives.

Community Investment Tax Relief Scheme | What is the HMRC community investment tax relief?

What is the Community Investment Tax Relief Scheme?
The Community Investment Tax Relief (CITR) scheme encourages investment in accredited intermediary organisations, called Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs). The tax relief under the system is available to both individuals and companies.

CDFIs may take a range of forms, including:
• Community loan funds, which make capital available to community regeneration initiatives and businesses;
• Micro-finance funds, which make small loans, usually at near-market rates of interest, to the smallest businesses, e.g., sole traders and
• Social banks - profit-seeking financial service providers or subsidiaries dedicated to social or environmental objectives.