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Celebrating women in business

On 6 March representatives from the Salisbury office attended the International Women's Day Conference at Bowood Hotel & Spa. This was the first event of its kind funded by TEN (the Enterprise Network) in partnership with Wiltshire Business Support Service. Guest speakers included Juliet Davenport OBE (CEO of Good Energy Group PLC); Jo Fairley (Founder of Green & Black's), Safia Minney MBE (founder of People Tree) and Stephanie Milward (Paralympian Swimmer).

The event was aimed at women in business and those considering starting a business. Robert Macdonald, Associate, who hosted the Moore (South) LLP pop-up exhibition was keen to promote how the Moore (South) LLP Start-Up team can guide clients through the initial stages of starting a new business and provide them with ongoing services to help them grow and manage their business. Delegates were offered a free copy of our New Business Kit and a one hour initial free consultancy session.

We are pleased to announce that the lucky winner of our free prize draw to win a 'Pamper Hamper', filled with goods from around the World, was Gemma Lapping of Tribe Communications.
(Photo courtesy of Sabine Coe Photography)
Robert Macdonald and Debbie Jolliffe from Moore with Julie Smith from Wessex Chambers, accepting the hamper on behalf of Gemma Lapping.

The day was very well attended and provided an excellent opportunity for networking and the chance to attend various workshops, as well as being able to relax in the pre-booked spa sessions.
Thousands of events are held throughout the World, annually around 8 March, to inspire women and celebrate achievements. Credit goes to the organisers for arranging such a fantastic day with truly inspirational speakers and we look forward to attending again next year.